My Remote Control Power Button does not Turn my Stream+ and TV On/Off Simultaneously
The Stream+ remote control can command the Stream+ while using the IR output at the end of the remote. You would need to point the remote at the Stream+ so it will receive the command from the remote.
You can program the Stream+ remote control to command/control your TV's power and volume. You can find that instruction here.
The Stream+ Remote Power Button Works in a Toggle Operation.
- Press and release the power button and it can turn on the Stream+.
- Press is again and it can turn it off.
- Whenever the power button is pressed, it will change the on or off state of the Stream+
- If the Stream+ is on and you press the power button, it will turn the Stream+ off.
- If the TV is off and you press the power button it will turn the the TV on.
To get the TV and Stream+ back into sync so they both turn on and off simultaneously/in sync, use your TV remote control to turn the TV power on or off, so it is in the same on or off state as the Stream+.
Now when you press the power button, the TV and Stream+ will both turn on or off at the same time/simultaneously/in sync.