DVR+ Remote Control Button Assignment-Software Version 124R and higher.
On the DVR+ Remote Control, the four Colored Button functions, while in the DVR Recordings screen:
• Red - Delete that selection
• Green - Search recordings by Recording Title
• Yellow - Sort recordings by recording date or Alpha Numeric order
• Blue - Changes Recordings Menu Screen(toggles between Series/Schedule/Recordings screens)
On the DVR+ Remote Control, the four Colored Button functions, while in the Program Guide(some additional navigation buttons included):
•The 'Navigation Ring'(up/down/left/right) will move the highlight one space at a time(Original Flat-Rectangular Remote).
•The 'Navigation Arrows'(up/down/left/right) will move the highlight one space at a time(Enhanced Remote Control).
•The '>>'(Fast Forward) Button will advance the screen 2 1/2 hours when pressed once in the program guide view.
•The '<<'(Rewind) Button will make the screen go back 2 1/2 hours when pressed once in the program guide view.
•The 'Skip Forward' Button(looks like an upside U with an arrow pointing down, located just below the Fast Forward button) will advance the guide 24 hours when pressed once in the program guide view(Original Flat-Rectangular Remote).
•The 'Skip Back' Button(looks like an upside down U with an arrow pointing down, located below the Rewind button) goes back 24 hours in the guide when pressed once in the program guide view(Original Flat-Rectangular Remote).
•The 'Skip Forward' Button(looks like a half circle with an arrow pointing right, located just above the Fast Forward button) will advance the guide 24 hours when pressed once in the program guide view(Enhanced Remote Control).
•The 'Skip Back' Button(looks like a half circle with an arrow pointing left, located just above the Rewind button) goes back 24 hours in the guide when pressed once in the program guide view(Enhanced Remote Control).
•The 'Channel Up/Down' Buttons will move the guide one screen per Button press(like page up/down).
•The 'Red' Button brings you to the Channel 200 Channel Master TV banner(Channel Master TV has been discontinued).
•The 'Green' Button brings you to Channel 400 or closest channel.
•The 'Yellow' Button brings you to Channel 600 or closest channel.
•The 'Blue' Button brings you to Channel 800 or closest channel.
On the DVR+ Remote Control, the four Colored Button functions, while watching Live TV:
•The 'Red' Button brings you to the Channel 200 Channel Master TV banner(Channel Master TV has been discontinued).
•The 'Green' Button brings you to Channel 400 or closest channel.
•The 'Yellow' Button brings you to Channel 600 or closest channel.
•The 'Blue' Button brings you to Channel 800 or closest channel.