How To Check or Change the Zip Code on the Stream+ (CM-7600)

If you want to change the zip code, this will also require a channel scan. There is no way to check to see what zip code was previously entered. 

To Change the Zip Code on the Stream+

  • Press the home button on your remote control.
  • Navigate down to Settings and select it.
  • Navigate down to Location and select it.
  • Turn Location Status to OFF.
  • Press the Back button on your remote.
  • Navigate up to TV Tuner and select it. 
  • Select Continue and it will bring up the keyboard to enter your zip code.
  • Enter your zip code and then select Next, then Done.
    • The Stream+ will now complete a channel scan.
    • Select Done when complete. 
  • Now press the Guide button, and if the guide is not populated with the channels you just scanned in, then you will need to re-enable the program guide. 


If you Perform a Channel Scan You May Need to Re-enable the Guide

  • Press the home button on your remote.
  • Select Live Channels.
  • Press the guide button on your remote.
  • Select any station that is displayed in the guide(including channel 1-1).
  • Once you are tuned into the live TV channel(including channel 1-1), press the OK button.
  • Navigate down using the down arrow to TV Options.
  • Navigate right using the right arrow  to Settings and select it.
  • Select Customize Channel list.
  • Please use the up arrow to scroll to the very top of the list. Once you are at the top of the list, please locate Select Group and then select it. Once you have selected Select Group it will checkmark all of your channels in the list below. Please scroll down and make sure that all stations you'd like to see are check marked in this list.
  • Once you have confirmed all of the stations you would like to see in the guide are check marked please press the back button twice.
  • Now you should be back on the live TV channel that we started on.
  • Press the guide button, and try the stations that we added back to the guide.

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