NOTE: New recordings are only kept in Recording History for 1 week.
To erase a Single Recording
- Press the DVR button on the remote.
- Navigate to the right and highlight/select Recording History.
- NOTE: New recordings are only kept in Recording History for 1 week. Please see Finding/Watching/Deleting Recordings Older than 1 Week Old(below).
- Navigate to the recorded program that you want to erase and select it.
- This will take you to a screen with the title of the program and some choices.
- Depending upon how many episodes have been recorded, you'll see:
- If only 1 episode has been recorded your choices will be watch program and delete recording.
- If there are multiple episodes of a program, navigate down to choose the episode.
- Select the recording with your OK button. Your choice is watch or delete.
Finding/Watching/Deleting Recordings that are more than 1 Week Old
- New recordings are only kept in Recording History for 1 week.
- To find the older recordings do the following.
- Press the DVR button on the remote.
- Navigate down past the Series row.
- Find the program tile for the program and select it with the OK button.
- Now press the down arrow, and you will see all of the episodes available to watch or delete.
To Erase all Episodes in Series of Recordings
- Press the DVR button on the remote.
- Press the left arrow on the remote if the blue category banner is not exposed on the left side of your screen.
- The banner will show recent, scheduled, series as the top 3 choices.
- NOTE: The series row of tiles will show the number of upcoming episodes that are scheduled to record.
- You do not want to select any in that row, unless you want to eliminate/cancel/delete the program series.
- The instruction for deleting the series is below.
- Below series the next choices could be Drama, News, Gaming, Entertainment, etc.
- That list of choices could vary depending upon the types of programs you record.
- The banner will show recent, scheduled, series as the top 3 choices.
- Navigate down past the Series row and find the series program title that you would like to delete, then navigate to the right and highlight it.
- This will take you to a screen with with a blue box, with the title of the program and some choices.
- The first 2 choices you see is Watch and View Schedule.
- Navigate to the right to highlight Delete Recordings and press the OK button.
- The next screen will allow you to select individual or Watched episodes or to Select all episodes.
- Highlight Select all episodes and press the OK button to select each recorded episode.
- The boxes to the left of the episodes will now show a √check mark.
- Navigate right to Delete and press the OK button.
- A new banner may appear across the bottom of the screen, asking you if you want to allow Live Channels to access your photos, media and files on your device.
- You can Deny or Allow. This will have no affect on your recordings or anything to do with the storage device is currently connected to your Stream+.
- After you make your selection, it will return to the DVR screen, and you will briefly see a message on the bottom of the screen advising you as to how many recordings have been deleted.
- You can now go back to the normal operation of your Stream+ by pressing the Home button.
NOTE: Live Channels is a Google implementation, in collaboration with Channel Master. Channel Master is not responsible for Live Channels functions or issues. All Guide data, logos, and images are provided by Google. Any Guide data issues & questions, and bugs should be reported to Google.