Many programs and events, especially those broadcast in high-definition video, also feature multiple audio channels to enhance the enjoyment in your home theater. The following options on your DVR+ (CM-7500) receiver can be used with other compatible equipment:
• HDMI – Can be set to Stereo only if you are not connecting the HDMI output of your DVR+ receiver to a device capable of multi-channel surround sound. The default setting for this output is Auto Stereo/Surround , which will output the best audio option present in the broadcast.
• Optical Digital Audio – Can be set to Stereo only if you are not connecting the digital audio output of your DVR+ receiver to a device capable of surround sound. The default setting for this output is Multi-channel , which is supported by most equipment that will accept optical digital audio input(s).
• Midnight Mode – Helps keep you from disturbing others in your home by compressing the dynamic range (the difference between the loudest and quietest sounds) of the digital audio output signal. The default setting for this mode is On .