Why is my DVR+ Having Trouble Connecting to my Network/Internet? (CM-7500)

If you are having trouble connecting to the internet, receiving guide data or streaming app (VUDU, Pandora, YouTube) please try the following steps.  Even if your DVR+ (CM-7500) is saying you are connected to the network, one of the below issues may be a problem preventing actual connection to the internet. Please try connecting to Vudu to ensure internet is indeed connected. If it will not load Vudu, you are probably not connected. After confirming that you are truly not connected, please try the following quick fix steps.

Hard Wired Ethernet Setup:

1. Please go to Menu>Settings>Network Setup> and at the bottom of that screen you should see Wired Connected and Internet Connected. If not, check to make sure your Ethernet cable is securely inserted in the DVR+ (CM-7500) port and in the router/modem at the other end.

2. Try connecting to a different port on your modem/router as there may be an issue with the current port.

3. To determine that your ethernet cable is not defective, try plugging in another device such as a computer to that same cable and see if it works. If not we recommend replacing your cable.

4. Sometimes a software glitch can happen which can cause the DVR+ (CM-7500) to not recognize the network. As an attempt to resolve this, disconnect your ethernet cable and complete a factory reset by going to Menu>Settings>Factory Reset. The DVR+ Setup Wizard will walk your through the entire setup again.  Once setup is complete, a video signal is displayed on the screen and you can now plug in your Ethernet cable and wait about 10 minutes.  After waiting 10 minutes go in the guide and try to launch the Vudu application. If the application launches, this indicates you are connected. Once you are connected, you will start to see TV network icons next to some of the channel numbers in the guide, and for major channels you should be able to proceed through the guide where you'll see 14 days of information after an hour.

5. Double check our firewall settings. There can be a firewall that is turned on that is allowing the other devices to access the internet but not the DVR+ (CM-7500).

6. If none of the above steps work, please contact your internet service provider.

Wireless USB Adapter SetUp:

1. Ensure your Wi-Fi adapter is securely inserted in one of the 2 available USB ports. When located in a cabinet or no visibility to the back of the unit, it's easy to mistake the ethernet port for a USB port as the adapter will slide right in, double check that this is not the case.

2. Does your "SSID" or network name contain apostrophes or special characters/symbols? If so, DVR+(CM-7500) may not recognize them and will need to set the network name to only numbers and letters. (This is completely dependent upon the router make/model. There is no list available of incompatibilities between the DVR+ and the routers.)

3. Are you connected to a guest network? If so, there are security settings that will block the DVR+ from connecting. Try connecting to the main SSID/network name.

4. Make sure the DVR+ (CM-7500) is located at least 12 inches away from other electronics as they could cause interference. When the DVR+ (CM-7500) is located in close proximity to other electronics, behind a TV or in an enclosed space you may experience Wi-Fi signal issues. In those scenarios we recommend USB extension cable that may increase your Wi-Fi signal when the adapted is relocated away from other equipment or outside of the cabinet. These cables are fairly inexpensive and typically available at most electronic stores.

5. Another option that typically works is to start fresh. Disconnect your hard drive and your Wi-Fi adapter an perform a factory reset by going to Menu>Settings> Factory Reset>Default Factory Reset. This will not delete your recordings but it will clear your scheduled events. Once you confirm the default factory reset it will walk you through the entire setup wizard again. Once the channel scan is complete and the unit is displaying live TV, go ahead and plug in your Wi-Fi adapter. Once it is plugged in wait a few seconds and it will walk you through the setup process. If it does not walk you through the Wi-Fi setup process go into Menu>Settings>Network Settings and select Wi-Fi. Then select scan, find your your router name and enter your password. Once you enter your password it could take several minutes for the user interface to display that internet is connected. Exit the menu, go to the guide and try to load the Vudu app. If this application loads, this confirms your DVR+ is connected to the internet. Once connected it could take up to 60 minutes to download all of the guide data(Possibly longer).

6. If none of the above steps work, please contact your internet service provider.


If your device says it is connected to the network but not the internet, this is usually because of a software glitch or it could be caused by low Wi-Fi Signal, to correct this issue try steps 4 & 5 as listed above under wireless USB adapter setup.



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